Социальные проекты
Кружок робототехники 2024 год.
Дети получают знания в конструировании и сборке робот-моделей бесплатно.
Петергоф 2024 год.
Девочки стали номинантами и лауреатами 1,2 степени, получили гран-при 15000р. для поездки на соревнования в г.Казань.
Помощь кружку "Робототехника" 2023 год.
В 2023 году группа компаний Энергокомплект (АО «Энергокомплект», ООО «НПО «Слияние», АО «НТЦ «Энергия») приобрела наборы для кружка "Робототехника".
Социальная помощь в 1-ом полугодии 2022
В первые месяцы 2022 года наша группа компаний продолжила оказывать помощь детским учреждениям
Новая площадка для юных кадетов
При помощи нашей компании в 2019 году был открыт новый игровой комплекс для подрастающих защитников страны
Кружок «Робототехника»: от идеи к первым практическим шагам
К середине 2019 г. уже можно подвести итоги первого года работы кружка «Робототехника»
Кружок "Робототехника"
В 2018 г. совместными усилиями АО "Энергокомплект" и ООО "НПО "Слияние" запущен новый социальный проект: Бесплатное обучение детей 6-11 классов по программе внешкольной работы в кружке «Робототехника».
МБДОУ Детский сад №2 "Ладушки" - весна 2018
Ко Дню защиты детей - 1 июня 2018 года наша компания провела благоустройство 3-х игровых площадок в МБДОУ Детский сад № 2 "Ладушки" в поселке Селиваново Владимирской области. Для детей 2-6 лет были установлены новые качели, карусели, беседки, песочницы, игровой комплекс "Грузовая машина" и другие игровые элементы в количестве 16 шт.
Кубок Победы 2017
24 мая 2017 года во Дворце спортивных игр «Зенит» состоялся 3-й открытый турнир по мини-футболу "Кубок Победы" среди сборных команд воспитанников детских домов и школ-интернатов Северо-Западного федерального округа, посвященный Дню Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 г.г.
Construction of two playgrounds in elementary school
JSC "Energocomplekt" at the beginning of 2017 carried out an arrangement of two playgrounds in one of the elementary schools of the Vladimir region. It was installed more than 15 gaming and sports elements for children of 1-4 grades there.
In February 2017, with the support of JSC Energocomplekt and the organizers of the tournament, the traditional All-Russian youth freestyle wrestling tournament dedicated to the memory of the hero of the Soviet Union, the fighter pilot Timur Frunze, was held in Staraya Russa. The competitions were timed to the anniversary of liberation from Nazi invaders.
Staraya Russa - 2016
With the support of JSC "Energocomplekt" and the tournament organizers, the team of Krasnaya Gorbatka Vladimir region took part in the All-Russia junior tournament in freestyle wrestling in Staraya Russa.
In Malyshevo village
In 2016 JSC "Energocomplekt" started the production of the game elements for arranging four playgrounds in Malyshevo village kindergarten.
Firefly 2015
In 2015 for a new school year, our company upgraded already for the fourth Kindergarten №4 "Firefly" with 5 playgrounds for children of 2-6 years.
70th Anniversary of the Great Victory
May 9, 2015 - the day of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Mini-football tournament among children's homes
On April 3, 2015, our company took part in the organization of the mini-football tournament among children's homes and boarding schools in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
Construction of the four playgrounds with playing elements
By June 1, 2014 the company performed an accomplishment of four children playgrounds of kindergarten №14 in Novlyanka village (Selivanovsky district of Vladimir region). New game elements will create favorable conditions in the kindergarten for different ages kids from 2 to 6 years.
Dare, young people!
Since 2010, the company's representatives regularly participate in the competitions at the Russian youth tournament in freestyle wrestling, which is held annually in the city of Staraya Russa in Novgorod region. In February 2014, with organizational support from the company and the competition organizers made possible the participation of the wrestlers team from Krasnaya Gorbatka Vladimir region in this tournament.
Three playgrounds of kindergarten "Sunshine"
In 2013, to the delight of the kids we arranged three playgrounds in kindergarten "Sunshine". There have been manufactured and installed fifteen game elements: swings, arbors, roundabouts, sandpits and vehicles. All products are designed for children of 2 to 6 years.
Organization of power structures sports
Since 2008, companies "Energocomplekt" and "NPO "Sliyanie" take an active part in the organization of sporting events taking place in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, including the organization of competitions in mini-football with the participation of Russian law enforcement agencies and community veterans organizations teams.
Sports grounds
In 2011, for children of teenage age in one of the urban villages we developed the yard and playground and set a sports complex, consisting of seven sports equipment.
In 2012, to the delight of the kids seven kindergarten playgrounds "Tower" were equipped. There were manufactured and installed more than thirty gaming elements: swings, rocking chairs, tables with seats, gazebo, carousel, sandbox, football goal, slides, ladders and even a military vehicle. All products are designed for children of 2 to 6 years.